01628 532076 | Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Dr Roy Palmer MBBS MA MRCP PhD

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I am a consultant dermatologist in Windsor and Guildford. I deal with skin cancer, and other skin problems that include eczema, acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, moles, other benign skin lesions and hair loss. I listen to patients to understand their concerns, and I tailor treatment according to their preferences.

If you are:

  • concerned you may have skin cancer
  • suffering from itch
  • conscious of a visible skin or hair problem
… then please come to see me.


20 years experience

I studied pre-clinical medicine at Oxford University, and clinical medicine at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospitals. I qualified as a consultant dermatologist in 2002. To gain further experience I worked for four years as a Senior Fellow at St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, which is an internationally renowned centre. I conducted research into the effects of sunlight on skin, which resulted in a PhD. I have written many research papers and textbook chapters.



20 years experience

From 2007 until 2012 I was a consultant at Heatherwood & Wexham Park Hospitals NHS Trust.  I now work in Windsor & Guildford.  I take pride in providing a high standard of care and attention to detail. I maintain my skills by participating in local and national dermatology meetings and conferences, and through other forms of ‘Continuing Professional Development’.


Accreditations & Memberships

I am a member of the following organisations:

  • 1The Register of the General Medical Council (GMC)
  • 2The British Association of Dermatologists
  • 3The British Society for Dermatological Surgery
  • 4The British Society for Cutaneous Allergy
  • 5The Royal College of Physicians

Referrals, Insurance & Billing

Got a referral?
A referral letter from your GP is preferred but not essential (please note that it is a requirement of some insurance companies). If you have health insurance, my secretary will bill the insurance company directly (instead of billing you) whenever possible. I am recognised by all the main health insurers, such as BUPA and AXA PPP. After the consultation I will write to your GP.

Insurance Companies

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I am recognised by these, and other, insurance companies.

Get in touch to book a consultation

Telephone 01628 532076 or fill in the contact form on my contact page